happy birthday eleeeee ((:*singsim a happy viperrr...
im so glad the block tests are over for now.even t...
suckiest day
Saturday, March 04, 2006
that i think i must have overspent the fun yesterday.
though ytd was supposed to be a day off for yjcians,
ninja had to call us back for 7 hrs of econs.
the fun began at 6 when we headed down to suntec.
we skimmed through the career fair though it was their main objective to travel all the way down.
while shan & i literally pranced our way to the fifa world cup trophy tour exhibition (((((:
after the registration,
the guys went to have a shot at the football challenge.
it wasn't kai that succeeded but jerry`
the queue to the 3-d movie was long at first but cleared up pretty soon (:
once we entered the exhibition gallery,
the emcee announced for 10 female volunteers.
the next thing i knew was being dragged literally across the hall by mr. huge fan of dennis bergkamp.
but still i didn't volunteer larh.
it took me quite awhile to figure out that the volunteers were asked to join the previous screening of the 3d-movie.
like chey right?
to think i still told the bunch that maybe they will dress them up in jerseys of different country and all that.
saw some guy that looked like nakata (:
but not only that,
he was wearing the nippon jersey ((:
so after what seemed like 2398429384 decades,
we finally got into the movie hall.
it was kinda boring at first 'cos it was some animation about the trophy.
but then the interesting part came where they show footages of the WC.
when bergkamp scored,
kai almost punched pam & i in the face.
when zizou scored,
i did the same.
fanatics we sure are.
the best was yet to come,
we finally saw the trophy in real.
took loads of snaps,
and got upclose with it.
everything happened in a frenzy,
and we got ushered into the souvenier place.
this is such a once in a lifetime affair.
so go down to suntec soon
and catch the most coveted trophy before it's gone!
we'll probably show mr CT our catch on monday,
and make him go green with envy.
today was a totally different affair altogether.
had to rush and prepare the stuffs for parade,
and go to cwp to visit the optican,
then rush to sch at 1pm to meet ken for rehearsals.
to top it off,
dad spoilt the iron on thurdays and i can't iron my uniform.
ended up leaving the house at 12.10pm,
only forgetting to bring my thumbdrive.
rushed back to pick it up,
and bus-ed down to cwp with mum.
reached and rushed to the optician,
only to find that i have to wait 1/2hr for the eye-check 'cos i was wearing my lenses.
but the most irritating and infuriating thing is that the bloody optician was so cocky.
and so,
we left the place immediately and will never ever go back ever again.
oh wells,
i so hate humongous male optician with quirky specs.
the worst was yet to come.
went to get my white uniform top and dad came along.
i was freaking pissed already and he had to come and behave like a total jerk.
so we ended up pissing each other off really badly.
it's been such a long time since i made him mad.
and he refused to send me to school.
tsk tsk.
everything after that returned to normal.
but i ended the day just like it was,
spilling pepsi over von's bag. (so sorry about that again!)
what an eventful day.
the only consolation is that the hk trip is pretty confirmed on the 24-27th (:
retail therapy works the best.

picked this up somewhere,
for smudge.
though im not a fan of his,
but what happened was pretty unfortunate.
too much rantings today.
i want my rolling stones cd ((:
give me novacaine
today is so much of a crap,
that i think i must have overspent the fun yesterday.
though ytd was supposed to be a day off for yjcians,
ninja had to call us back for 7 hrs of econs.
the fun began at 6 when we headed down to suntec.
we skimmed through the career fair though it was their main objective to travel all the way down.
while shan & i literally pranced our way to the fifa world cup trophy tour exhibition (((((:
after the registration,
the guys went to have a shot at the football challenge.
it wasn't kai that succeeded but jerry`
the queue to the 3-d movie was long at first but cleared up pretty soon (:
once we entered the exhibition gallery,
the emcee announced for 10 female volunteers.
the next thing i knew was being dragged literally across the hall by mr. huge fan of dennis bergkamp.
but still i didn't volunteer larh.
it took me quite awhile to figure out that the volunteers were asked to join the previous screening of the 3d-movie.
like chey right?
to think i still told the bunch that maybe they will dress them up in jerseys of different country and all that.
saw some guy that looked like nakata (:
but not only that,
he was wearing the nippon jersey ((:
so after what seemed like 2398429384 decades,
we finally got into the movie hall.
it was kinda boring at first 'cos it was some animation about the trophy.
but then the interesting part came where they show footages of the WC.
when bergkamp scored,
kai almost punched pam & i in the face.
when zizou scored,
i did the same.
fanatics we sure are.
the best was yet to come,
we finally saw the trophy in real.
took loads of snaps,
and got upclose with it.
everything happened in a frenzy,
and we got ushered into the souvenier place.
this is such a once in a lifetime affair.
so go down to suntec soon
and catch the most coveted trophy before it's gone!
we'll probably show mr CT our catch on monday,
and make him go green with envy.
today was a totally different affair altogether.
had to rush and prepare the stuffs for parade,
and go to cwp to visit the optican,
then rush to sch at 1pm to meet ken for rehearsals.
to top it off,
dad spoilt the iron on thurdays and i can't iron my uniform.
ended up leaving the house at 12.10pm,
only forgetting to bring my thumbdrive.
rushed back to pick it up,
and bus-ed down to cwp with mum.
reached and rushed to the optician,
only to find that i have to wait 1/2hr for the eye-check 'cos i was wearing my lenses.
but the most irritating and infuriating thing is that the bloody optician was so cocky.
and so,
we left the place immediately and will never ever go back ever again.
oh wells,
i so hate humongous male optician with quirky specs.
the worst was yet to come.
went to get my white uniform top and dad came along.
i was freaking pissed already and he had to come and behave like a total jerk.
so we ended up pissing each other off really badly.
it's been such a long time since i made him mad.
and he refused to send me to school.
tsk tsk.
everything after that returned to normal.
but i ended the day just like it was,
spilling pepsi over von's bag. (so sorry about that again!)
what an eventful day.
the only consolation is that the hk trip is pretty confirmed on the 24-27th (:
retail therapy works the best.

picked this up somewhere,
for smudge.
though im not a fan of his,
but what happened was pretty unfortunate.
too much rantings today.
i want my rolling stones cd ((:
give me novacaine